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Prayer Share 001: How This Begins

Today, during the summer of 2024, The Big Guy asked me to share with you some of the prayers that I offer to him. Prayer is always a two-way communication of heart, faith, compassion and interaction, but you will only be hearing my words. If it touches your heart, feel free to add any of this, change it as you wish to your own communication. Then, listen for God’s reply in your day, and in your life beyond just words. The spiritual journey branches out again!

“Dear Heavenly Father, there is so much that I don’t know, so much that I forget, and so much that I don’t want to remember ever again. Please help me sort out those things that are beneficial, and easily let go of the rest. Father it hurts me so much to see the wars and suffering, and so many that are lost, following agendas, following policies, following revenge instead of following love. I pray that every person may be given more opportunities to make better choices, based on the true qualities you created them with, without outside manipulations. On this day celebrated as a Memorial Day for many, may we remember that No One is lost to you, that death is just a bump in the road, and we never really lose anyone. Help us to remember clearly the experiences of love. Your love, the love we have shown to others, and the love we have received. May we see each memory as bright yellow flowers that we continue to gather in your fields of green and hold them as a beautiful bouquet in our spirit forever. Thank you for the gift of prayer, in Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.”


About the Author: "I'm Blessed Tiffany and I have information for you!" Tiffany Snow experienced the wounds of the Holy Stigmata 2005-2009 and three NDEs. Modern Christian Mystic, Miracle Healer, Spiritual Teacher. She shares answers from God that humanity is currently asking, to help each of us remember who we are, and who He is too. Blessed Tiffany and her husband Fr. Billy Clark are not financially supported by any church or organization. This allows them to speak freely without restriction about everything God has shared for ALL of His children, no matter where they are on their path. Free Distant Healing Prayer, Articles and Videos with unique information for our times. God Info. |


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