できごとや感情を手放すことはありませんか? たとえ隠れていたものであっても、自分の道を前に進むことができますか?
神は、あなたとあなたの愛する人たち、そして環境を祝福し、導きと保護を与えたいと願っています。しかし、彼はまた、あなたがミラクル ワーカーになることを望んでいます - 彼はあなたの忠実で大胆不敵な祈りを彼の聖霊と神聖な意志と組み合わせて、あなたが思いやりを持っているものを変えます!
あなたの愛する人や他の人々がハルマゲドンの波を乗り越え、約束された新しい地球に生き残るのを助けるために、この予告された世界の変化の時期に、聖霊、聖天使、キリストご自身と信仰と恐れを知らない協力者になりましょう。 「あなたの王国が来ますように、あなたの御心は天にあるように地上にも行われます。」 (マタ6:9-13)
私たちは新しい世界の崖っぷちにいます。私たちはしるしと不思議の時代に生きており、光に移行しています。あなたはその光の中にいます。本当の奇跡のために、あなたの手が神の手となり、あなたの言葉が神の言葉となりますように。私たちは皆、活性化するためのスピリチュアルなギフトを持って創造されました!スピリチュアルな知識とオーディネーションは、進歩を助けるためのより大きな自信と保護を追加します。これらのクラスは、自分自身と誰のために働いているかについての自信を与えるだけでなく、聖職者になる前に義務付けられています。 今こそ行動する時です!
Are You Moved by a Heart of Compassion? Time to Live a Miraculous Life!
"Becoming the Mystic - The Power to Transform All Things"
9 Classes to Open Wide Your Gifts!
Pre-Recorded Video Conference Classes!
(Learn at Your Own Pace! All Classes on MP4)
(1). Want to try it first?
FREE 1st Video Class! Just email Fr. Billy here
(2). Purchase the remaining 8 "Becoming the Mystic" Classes for $225 here
(The link will bring you to Fr. Billy's website to secure payments. www.TheFourthHealing.com)
This timeless journey starts with your personal self and expands out from there. Perfectly align your will with Love’s will for Angelic guidance, protection and transformation for you, your family, and the environment. Things are speeding up – we are now living at the time of signs and wonders, shifting into light, and you are of that light! These classes are about developing your own ability to be the mystic, to have direct communication with God, to help you recognize your life’s purpose, and receive Angelic help at a moment’s notice. And to be Encouraged in Spirit to follow through on all God asks of you.
WHY THESE CLASSES? If you are moved with compassion by the struggles you see around you, you have the ability to manifest miracles beyond space and time, shifting from an ordinary life to an extraordinary one. Using revealed information from the Holy Stigmata, and God-given “super prayers” called The Divine Decrees you can manifest changes immediately in your life, neighborhood and worldwide. God wants all of us to hear him clearly, for all of us to become the mystic. These classes will show you how.
Christ-centered: We will be going beyond any practices based in fear and simply into Divine Love!
* Why the dark is getting darker and the light lighter.
* How to break generational/ancestral bondage passed down through family lines.
* Proven physical methods to help transform all things, including the air, water and land.
* The invisible power you have to positively influence government, big business and religion
* How to safely expand and lift the veil, and why it is there.
* How to assign Holy Angels to defend, protect and render harmless in your neighborhood or throughout the world.
* How to truly forgive self and others, and why unforgiveness acts like a curse
* How to physically transform storms and severe weather.
* Seven proven ways to hear God immediately and to recognize the difference between his voice and your own.
* How to recognize your life purpose and not give your power away to others.
* How to attain and maintain abundance in finances, physical health and joyful family relations….dozens of other topics!
完全な 9 つのクラスの経験、詳細:
2級:感情の癒しとより深い自己。自尊心の基盤を構築します。感情がすべてに影響を与える方法と理由。自分を愛する動機と利益。スーパー ヒーローと世界を救う。毎日のヒーロー、自信。識別力、信頼、希望、信仰、そして愛。接続と明るさを拡張します。
8級:日常生活と豊かさ。豊かさとは?誰のため?なんで?達成方法と維持方法。ビジネス取引において思いやりが不可欠な理由。ニュース、 そのニュース、縄、良いニュース。共有する方法。私たちを個人的により大きな思いやりに駆り立てるもの、人類の平均的な心に触れるもの、そしてそれを祈る方法、波及効果.
LIVE Classes Offered Too!
*All live video conference classes will be limited in size to ensure each person can share and has time for questions and answers, no more than 20 people at a time. We offer the live classes once a year. They will be announced on this page.
and are via video conference on Google Meet, they are a lot of fun!
Would you like to reserve a spot?
Contact Fr. Billy and let him know!