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Healing Testimonies - All Types of Healing May Occur!

Be Realistic...Expect Miracles!

Send Us Your Testimony!


There is a whole spectrum of what might happen in a healing – on the one end, sleeping better at night, a feeling of calm peacefulness, less pain, more confidence and a feeling of love – on the other end, the tumors go away, the cancer disappears, the eyesight comes back, infertility disappears, hearing aids are thrown away, arthritis disappears, crippled people walk, people awake from comas, receive visions or messages from God…anything may happen!  Here are just some healing testimonies from our files:

  • “How often I think of you, and of the healing I got from you. It has done me so much good. My back pain is 90% better. My energy level is up, and my anxiety level is down. The dizzy spells are better now. Overall, I just feel so much better. And wonder of wonders! My singing voice is so much better. I was so discouraged, feeling that as I got older my voice might’ve be leaving me, but no such thing! Now I’m singing better than I ever have. Thanks so much.”  Cristale B

  • “I’m very grateful for the kindness and energy you sent my dad last week and the happy, healing thoughts you sent while he was in surgery. His docs have told him he’s recovering at a surprising rate and my family is both pleased and relieved seeing his resiliency.” – Scott B.

  • “I just thought I’d give you an update: no clicking or grabbing of pain in the right knee, and believe it or not I actually almost ran to a slight jog to get the phone. Now that’s healing – thank you God!!!!” – Carol O.

  • “I was healed of ductile carcinoma. And everything you said in the notes from Father were true. I went back to the doctor and was sent a letter that said “appears normal.” I am more than happy to write this testimony for you. Father and You truly blessed me at the Long distance healing.” – Anne L.

  • “Hi Tiffany. You worked on me because I had a toothache. Well, after your treatment the pain gradually diminished and eventually vanished. Two days later I went to the dentist and he did not see any problem to my gum or my tooth. Thank you so much for helping me! You also worked on my friend Tess who has had pain the the lower back/hip area. Since you worked on her, she has not felt any more pain. She is especially thankful to you knowing she has had this pain for 2 years and her weekly visits to her acupuncturist did only temporarily relieve her…on the behalf of the two of us, thank you!” – Isabelle B. 

  • “Thank you Tiffany, for your help in facilitating the healing that I received when I recently broke my patella (knee cap).Note by the x-rays and the MRIs that I have sent, of the validation of the healing. I had x-rays and MRIs taken on Nov. 19th and the doctor said I had extensive tears in the meniscus and would require surgical correction. I then made an appointment to see a surgeon. But before I could see him, I fell and broke my knee on Nov. 29th, at which time I called you, and you did a long distance healing that night. I then called the doctor and the surgeon, got new x-rays and MRIs and went to see the surgeon. After the new tests the radiologist had made a note that the patella was fractured and was in ‘advanced stage of healing.’ When the surgeon looked at the   new x-ray and MRI he stated I did not have a new break, but that the patella obviously had been broken at a prior accident, not on Nov. 29th., just 4 days before this new x-ray and MRI. I said no, the kneecap was broken just 4 days earlier. He said, no that this break couldn’t have healed that much, and to prove it he got the x-ray and MRI taken just prior to the second accident to show me the break. But there was none. He had no explanation as to how the broken patella had healed, but sent me home with a soft cast, to finish healing. I took off the cast two days later to start bending and exercising my knee so it would work properly. When I went back to the surgeon a few weeks later to get an appt. to get the meniscus surgery scheduled, he examined me and said he could find no reason to perform the surgery now, but to continue what I was doing. Thank you again.” – Fred W.

  • “I was first referred by a pastor friend of mine. My prayer was that no more silicone would leak into my body from a breast implant rupture and that’s exactly what God did. Tiffany worked on me and said, “the Lord wants you to know He hears your prayers you silly girl!” It was through my prayers and Tiffany’s reinforcing work to create strength in this barrier that 5 months later I finally had surgery. Even though the MRI scan showed there was “no rupture,” the doctor believed me and operated. He said afterward that 90% of the silicone had leaked out of the sack yet had somehow been trapped in the breast area, so he’d gotten it all out. He was very glad he had operated on me. Miraculously God had created a barrier which held for 5 months. Now I am all organic, Blessed, and continuing to heal beautifully with post treatments from God through Tiffany Snow.” – Susan F.

  • “As you well know, I was as low as one could go; just short of dying. The chemo nearly took my life twice and the last time; I was barely alive. What a blessing it has been to have those precious Godly hands of yours touch em. Now, I feel good…just like before I was sick. I have opened up the salon again and am cutting hair for all my friends. My hair is growing back and is a beautiful silver salt and pepper. Everyone whom I meet cannot believe that I look so good now. It’s not me…IT IS A GIFT FROM GOD!!! PTL!!!” – Charlotte from Tennessee 

  • “I came to see you after being diagnosed with Graves’ disease. I had an appointment with my endocrinologist, and he told me I was one of the rare cases that go into spontaneous remission (10-20%). It took a few months after I saw you for my bloodwork to get back to normal, but it has, and I’ve been fine ever since! I was very lucky to be pointed in your direction, and have been telling everyone about you!” – Denise S.

  • “I wanted to update you on Lee Ann. None of us expected her to survive. Yesterday Lee Ann was sitting up in a chair talking with her mother. I’m so encouraged to see her full recovery. Thank you so much for your channel of healing with “the Big Guy” disbursed to Lee Ann. Francesca, her friend, read the email you sent to her on Friday night. The next day she came out of the coma, and the next day she was sitting up talking to her mom. Gosh Tiffany this is so rich! Love you and appreciate you so much.” – Patricia W.

  • “I just wanted to thank you for the presentation and the spiritual healings that you performed at the IANDS Conference last week. I was particularly touched by the message you told me. You are a loving and authentic person and I feel very blessed to have met you.” Barb W.

  • “Thank you so much for praying. Mom went back for tests yesterday. She woke up feeling much better that morning – no blood in her urine. So the doctor was able to do the cystoscopy and successfully visualize everything and he found NOTHING!! Praise God. Thank you for your time and your prayer.” – Dave & Becky W.

  • “Wow. I don’t know what you did last night but today I feel like a weight has been lifted, literally! My tension is better, especially in my shoulders and jaw, I feel happier and my mind is clearer, it’s really amazing.” – Jonathan B.

  • “Well I do believe in the power of prayer, thank you for saying prayers for Mike. I spoke to his wife last night. She could not of been more excited. He said these words “I LOVE YOU.” As you know, Mike’s condition was gray. The blood clot, and the time that he had no oxygen, he couldn’t talk and his right side was paralyzed. he will have a lot of time in rehab with his speech and walking, all we can do now is pray. My heart goes out to them. I know what you can do. Believe me! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” – Eyvonne W.

  • “For 18 months I suffered from an injury to my arm – hyper-extension of muscles, tendons, and almost a complete separation of the shoulder. Various therapies did little to help and the muscles were even beginning to atrophy. In Dec. I had a distant healing session with Tiffany and the results were nothing short of miraculous. The pain relief was instantaneous. Now in March I can’t tell the injury ever happened. The muscles began to rebuild, the strength returned. I have no limitations – from loading wood for the heater to using my computer. God is good and Tiffany has a gift to be the conduit for those of us who need her help. If you have a doubt – DON’T – distant healing does work. Praise God and Bless Tiffany.” – Kathleen J. 

  • “I will always be eternally grateful for you coming to the hospital to help that day. On Easter Sunday my daughter was hospitalized in the surgical intensive care unit with acute pancreatitis leading to pneumonia, followed by a second pneumonia from aspiration. She was on morphine for pain, a respirator, TPN, N/G tube (to keep the stomach empty to prevent further vomiting), and much more. Her doctors had prepared us for the worst, saying her condition was serious and could be fatal. If she recovered, she was expected to be in the hospital for at least another week to 10 days followed by weeks of recovery at home. On the third day in ICU, Tiffany did hands-on healing and healing prayer, which took less than an hour. In the middle of the treatment my daughter felt hot, and asked for a fan. She then ate two bowls of broth and some jello, which she was able to keep down. Tiffany said a final silent prayer, smiled and gave us both words of encouragement, “to watch for big changes about to occur,” and left. That evening they took out her N/G tube (two days earlier than expected). The following day she was transferred out of ICU, and discharged four days after the treatment. The doctors were astounded with her speedy recovery and attributed it to her youth. I felt it was a miracle that my daughter not only survived, but recovered so quickly. Three days after hospital discharge She went back to school part-time.” – Mrs. G., R.N. San Diego CA

  • “My mother is 93. With each session, healing in and through mom’s body was occurring. Both eyes were clearing, one eye had nearly been blind, and her ability to walk greatly improved. Then in Sept. of this year my mom was diagnosed with a spot on her right lung and abnormal pap cells. Suspecting cancer, the doctor was recommending a biopsy and possible surgery. At mom’s age this was an impossible vision to foresee and one my family and I questioned. The night before the cat scan, Tiffany Snow informed me and my cousin that we had to be powerful prayer warriors this evening. As she laid her hands upon my mom’s head and on different places of her body and started her healing prayers, God used her in a powerful way. The presence of the Holy Spirit not only filled the room my mom was in – He filled the entire house with His Glory! The power of prayer was awesome as we also had several prayer groups across San Diego County uniting with us for healing of mom’s body. Mom’s visit at the Riverside imaging center was intense, not knowing, but believing a miracle had occurred. The doctor entered with mom’s chart and test results saying “Ladies…someone’s been praying.” My cousin and I replied, “Yes, we have.” The doctor said “No! I mean let me read you the test results…!” The only word I remember is “benign” and that “only a residue” was left in the area where the spot had existed. No surgery was needed! This miracle has touched the lives of so many people. I am hoping it will inspire you to Praise God! And to know that His hand is never too short to reach us, we are never too old to be helped. And that He is able and wanting to show us Love in every way – if we are just open to it, He can heal us.” – Virgina M.

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