What is a Distant Healing?
All Distant Healings are prayed for at night while the person is asleep.
Most prayer times will be scheduled within a few days.
Blessed Tiffany prefers to do distant healing while the person is asleep in their bed. In this way, the person’s busy brain is shut down, and there are less doubts or questions occupying the mind which might hamper receiving. This is the same reason God often swoons people when healing in person, what some have referred to as being “slain in the spirit,” or “falling into bliss,” as seen in some Christian churches and at live events with Blessed Tiffany.
Also, it is possible that you may be gifted with “words of knowledge,” from a healing: a message that God wants to give to you concerning some insight on something in your life. This may be either directly given to you from God, or through a message given to Blessed Tiffany that she will then pass on to you in a few days in an email.
God is the Healer!
“Our Heavenly Father is the healer
& hearer of prayer. He is the Divine Doctor, I am just an assistant nurse happy to be in the same room! He desires to help us, let us know he exists and cares for us. Healing is one of the ways The Big Guy chooses to do that!”
– Blessed Tiffany Snow

God Uses Many Ways to Heal!
Distant Healing Prayer
does NOT need to be in place
of other healing modalities!
God can guide and bless doctors, nurses, and medicines too! And many people have noticed when they say a prayer over their medications and pray (even with the doctor/medical staff) before a procedure, it often gives a better outcome and needs less recovery time. You may be surprised how many doctors DO pray before surgeries and procedures!

Pay-It-Forward Distant Healing with
Blessed Tiffany
God Blessed with Miracle Healing &
The Holy Stigmata
NO COST HEALING! - PAY IT FORWARD To Others in Your Community. Miracles still happen! Prayer changes things! Blessed Tiffany is happy to offer free distant healing prayer in exchange for you doing something nice in your community when you are able to. This might be by volunteering your energy at a food pantry, soup kitchen, senior center or local animal shelter, or any of the numerous ways that God leads you to repay this prayer time together with kindness to others. But if you would like to do a financial gifting of any amount to help support Blessed Tiffany's ministry, we appreciate it greatly and this link will take you there.
“Heal my children, help them remember who they are and who I Am…” - as told to Blessed Tiffany by God at her NDE
Unshakable faith and deep compassion is a compelling and tender place where opportunities for blessings flow – a wide open prayer conduit to receive and give without restriction. Let Blessed Tiffany stand beside you as a companion in faith in intercessory prayer for God to touch your life and your loved ones. Sometimes when we feel overwhelmed, doubtful, too stressed, or not worthy, a prayer companion who has total faith can really help. "I know that everyone can be healed - I've seen it! Stage 4 cancer, infertility, broken bones, etc. the One who made the body knows how to repair it. God is always ready to give what is best for the growth of the spirit, which can include the miracle of full physical health!" - Blessed Tiffany Snow
All Types of Healing May Occur!
The healing that Blessed Tiffany arranges with you is an opportunity to receive - but please remember what and when you ultimately receive is really between your spirit and the Spirit of God. This means healing might be a lessening of pain, more emotional or spiritual peace, etc. but may not be physical healing at this time. OR the prayers may jumpstart a healing that progresses over time. OR it might be an instant healing miracle! Blessed Tiffany never knows beforehand what your spirit and God's Spirit plan to do.
"I am just one of God's handmaidens. God is Good! I feel blessed to stand beside others in intercessory prayer. He loves it when his kids come together to help one another, and blesses the faith, love and hope it shows. "Where two or more are gathered..." (Mt.18:20) He amazes me with his gentle kindness, strength and compassion. He wants to heal!" - Blessed Tiffany Snow
How to Schedule with Blessed Tiffany
To help facilitate a better prayer connection, Blessed Tiffany asks to have a few indents that will touch her heart for compassion, which makes the prayers unique and connects to the one requesting healing. Over the years, the GENERAL information requested below is all that she requests for distant healing prayer, since God is the Healer and does the rest. (It is not necessary to give any detailed information or anything that would make you feel uncomfortable, it is not needed!)
AFTER you have these things and are ready to request healing prayer, please send them to Randine DiMarco and she will get back to you shortly with a scheduled date. We choose not to schedule healings without these touchstones at this time!
(1). A recent Photo and Age. (No birthdate please)
(2). A Name, Initials or Nickname.
(3). A General Location. Such as the name of your town and what country you live in. (This helps her arrange for any time differences between you. God knows the details of where you are, please don't list an address).
(4). What you want Healing for. (NO medical records please, just a few words about your concerns. Please note healing prayer also gives the opportunity for healing to occur in all other areas of the body, mind and spirit).
(5). Spend the day before your healing in prayer, praise and contemplation! Scheduling a "me day" (or several hours) of low stress and talking to God, being in nature, reading scripture, listening to uplifting music, or whatever way connects, calms and encourages you, can make a big difference in receiving! Reading some of the powerful prayers given through the Holy Stigmata called The Divine Decrees is also suggested.
(6). Go to bed at your regular time. There is no need to sleep alone or make any special considerations in your nightly habits.
(7). Optional: If you feel you are UNDER SPIRITUAL ATTACK or have GENERATIONAL BONDAGE through your family lines, reciting the Deliverance Prayer or the prayer for Breaking Ancestral or Generational Bondage before receiving your healing prayer is very helpful. They are included HERE through the given link to be able to say for yourself. However, if you feel unworthy or unable to do these on your own, Bookmark this page and then look over Fr. Billy’s information (you will be taken to his website TheFourthHealing.com) to decide what you need, and he will assist you.
Are You Requesting Healing for Another Person?
Just Send Them the Link!
It is suggested that anyone scheduled for a healing should know about it. History has shown much better results this way. But if you cannot ask, know that the healing prayer will either be accepted or rejected at a spirit level; the opportunity for healing will still be given. But all the information listed above is still required, plus an email or mailing address to be able to send them directly any notes that might be received during the healing time. These notes and information on the healing will not be given to the one requesting a healing for another person.
Healing and successful spiritual warfare are very personal things – all information is confidential. See our Privacy Policy.
Much success to you! God Bless You!