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What Happens When We Die? Before and Three Weeks After

Writer's picture: Blessed Tiffany SnowBlessed Tiffany Snow

Updated: Jun 22, 2024

Why are there so many stories of dying people seeing their loved ones around them when no one else can? If death is imminent such as in a fatal accident, does the spirit leave the body before the trauma occurs? Do good and evil people end up with the same experiences of death? Is death the same thing as a near-death experience? Do we live more than once? Where do we go after death, and can we visit our loved ones on earth again? Do we get to decide what happens to us after we die?
Each of us experience a death-like state every time we fall asleep. Yet we welcome sleep and are refreshed by it and when we awaken we are renewed. There are two basic parts to the body – the physical body and the spirit. In sleep our spirit lifts out of our body, and we are not aware of our body functions, but we are busy with dreams and other things.

God Lifts the Spirit Out

But at that time we are still attached to our physical body by what looks like a silver cord, so we eventually come back to it and wake up. In death that cord is broken, and we do not come back to the body. Can that cord be broken before death? Yes, it is one of the beautiful things that Divine Love does – if the body is about to be made inhabitable through a quick death such as an explosion, fire, crushed or many other accidents, the spirit is lifted out of the body beforehand and the cord is cut by a heavenly hand. The same thing happens for animals. You’ve seen on TV a predator chase down its prey, and the deer continue to struggle and cry while in the predator’s jaws or even while being eaten. But the animal is not alive – this is just the nerves and body functions continuing on for a brief time, the spirit is already out and feeling relief from any of the physical pain and emotional fear that had built up to that moment. Even in near-death experiences, many people will have memories of hovering over their bodies but not physically feeling what was going on in the dying body, until going back into it. Then upon going back into the body is when they experience pain.

Glimpsing the Other Side

But not all deaths come quickly, what then? When a lingering of life occurs before a person dies, the person will often hear or see their loved ones in the room with them, which is to help them overcome their own fear of death. This is to ease the fear of death and to help the person understand that their spirit will continue on. This can go on for days, weeks or even much longer. However, this experience can be clouded if the person is on heavy medications, since these can make it more difficult to recognize the reality of the help offered by the other side. On drugs it can also be much harder to discern these visits from the overlapping and recalling of life memories, so the person might hang on longer than they need to. But the opportunity to find peace with the upcoming change and encouragement to go easily into the arms of waiting loved ones is there, and is very real, and should not be scoffed at, if what is seen by the person is shared with others.

No matter how the moment of death comes, whether fast or slow, we are in charge of some big choices at the moment of death. This applies no matter what religion or culture a person is from. Because free will does not end at death, sometimes people make an incorrect choice even after letting go of the body. Ever wonder about the last part of the Hail Mary prayer? “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed are thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.” At the hour of our death is when we are most at risk for being attacked by unHoly Angels. This is why it is so necessary that people are surrounded by love, understanding and support at their time of death. This is a crucial time. Even if we are not in the room, or living a distance away, our prayers can help to soothe and comfort, reminding them of our love and God's love for them. Many have entered the ghost life simply because they are simply afraid to go to God, thinking they would not be forgiven for things they have done.

With Death the "Homing" Angel Appears with Loved Ones

The death experience is much different than a near-death experience. How so? Near-death experiences are opportunities that we can learn things from and then we come back. Often there are similarities between full death and NDEs; such as meeting with a Divine being, having a life review, and a feeling of full acceptance and love. Also, one of the most notable outcomes of a near-death experience is the noticeable changes in a person once they return, and the lack of the fear of death. However, the experience of death with the cord being cut is different from a near-death experience, and we will look at some of them now.

When death is imminent a Holy Angel appears before us, along with several loved ones who have already transitioned. This occurs to help us know that the Angel we are seeing is not a hallucination, and that we really do exist beyond our physical bodies. All Holy Angels are beautiful beings of great love and light, and what is often seen as wings is actually shimmering rays of light. They have specific duties, and the one that comes to us at this time of transition is often called an Angel of death, but is more aptly called a “homing” Angel, because he is there to take us home to God, the source of Divine Love. Homing Angels are very gentle and loving and maternal, and desire us not to be afraid of letting go of our bodies. We are given three choices at that time (1). to go to God right then, (2). or to wait until after the funeral ceremony, (3). or not go to God, which leaves us in a ghost state. But all we have to do is touch the hand of the Angel or call out to God, and our journey continues. Why are we given a choice? Because even after death we still are free will agents and will not be forced to do anything we don’t want to do.

Touching the hand of the Angel is a choice as well, for it shows our free will desire to go to God, and to choose love over fear. If we skip (3).we end up in a ghost state, a spirit separated from the body but not yet choosing to go to Love. Many have entered the ghost life simply because they are afraid to go to God, wrongly thinking they would not be forgiven for things they have done. There have been many versions of faulty teachings about God – but he is not like a prison warden, or a strict overbearing disciplinarian who would send anyone to a fiery hell of torment. He is the core of unconditional Divine Love, forgiveness and mercy. And torture and fear do not coexist with Love, it is the exact opposite. In fact, in Biblical days there was a pagan ritual of sacrificing children to false gods by burning them to death in fire, and God shows his repugnance for that by saying: “The people of Judah have done evil in my eyes…they have built the high places of Topheth…to burn their sons and daughters in the fire – something I did not command, nor did it come up into my heart.” (Jeremiah 7:30, 31) It is not in the heart of a loving God to do such a thing.

Spirits are Not Ghosts

Unfortunately, sometimes a person may feel they can’t go to God until they finish something here – even though they will have so much more ability, clarity, and freedom to help change things when they do go to God first. Technically, ghosts are the life-force of people who have not yet gone to God. Spirits are the life-force of people who have gone to God and now have access to come and go as they please between this world and the next. Manipulated ghosts are the life-force of people who have not yet gone to God so are in ghost form, and have come under attack and control of fallen unHoly Angels or demons. For them, the world is a very dark place. But even then, ghosts and manipulated ghosts will be periodically visited by a homing Angel and offered the opportunity to go to Divine Love. Sometimes God will even send a human gifted with the ability to release ghosts as well, and this person’s will to help automatically calls the homing Angel for another opportunity for the one who is lost (see the article Ghosts, Spirits and Manipulated Ghosts – The Differences on

A Choice - Going Home Immediately or After the Funeral

The reason we are given a choice about going to Divine love right then or waiting until after the funeral is because there is a 2-3 week debriefing time after we die. During this time we have a life review; it is a review of the facets of love learned during this life, which is the reason we are here. In a life review, what we experience is the direct cause and effect of what we have done to others. Where you have showed unkindness, you will feel how it felt to the people you were unkind to, and from them how your interaction rippled out to others – all of it you will feel coming back to you. Where you have showed love, you will feel how it felt to the people you were loving to, and how it rippled and magnified and expanded out to others – and all of that love you will feel overflowing coming back to you! And, where you did not interact when you had a choice to, you will also see, and the missed opportunities that could have been.

Truly, God does not punish us at all, for we come to God’s essence by grace – the breaking of the generational bondage we had through Adam’s sin was erased by Christ who was the karmic redemption for all of mankind, beyond religion or culture. So in the life review we only experience the ripple effects of what we ourselves have done for good or for bad, and yet we are shown that we are still fully loved, forgiven and accepted by God as his children, if only we desire it. Do you see that even those who would have a life review such as Hitler, with extreme ripple effects of pain, are not punished by God, but by themselves? Even then, God brings us to the next step, a washing and cleansing of all the events of our last life, so that we may not be overly sad, burdened or distracted by the things behind us and can continue to move further into the love ahead of us.

Going Through the Ring of Redemption

The washing and cleansing of our past burdens and deeds is accomplished when our spirit passes through a great circle of energy, which was not available until the redemption of mankind by Christ. This energy takes off all the darkness and impurities, and makes us clean and Holy again, and by this act we not only release all the baggage of “should have and shouldn’t haves” from our last life, but we also come into the full remembrance of who we really are, which includes the information we have learned and the facets of love that we have polished from every life we have lived. Why Christ? The ripple effect of the choices of our original parents were passed onto us like a bad gene. It is as if the misuse of free will put them in prison, so we as their kids were born in the cell with them. It became a no-win situation for us, a generational bondage that no one in our family line could heal, because they were all inside the bars too. So one of those created outside of the human family had to come to our rescue, we needed a savior with a key. The life of the one we know as Jesus Christ came and unlocked the prison. Before him, no one could even go to the core essence of Father. That meant no matter how long we lived, nor how many times, the burden of darkness on our shoulders was too great. We kept trying to polish the basic facets of love over and over and still could not come and stay before the core Presence of Light and Love. Jesus became the karmic redemption for all of humanity (see the article Why Jesus Life is Important Beyond Religion on, before him there was no cleansing ring of redemption.

Remembering Who We Truly Are

What happens now? After walking through this redemption ring, we truly remember who we are and know who each one around us is, and who God is too. This cleanness and unity is a feeling of a raindrop falling into the sea – the raindrop does not lose his own identity but expands out to become fully aware and connected to the entire ocean – the true Oneness. Visually, I was shown a great valley that narrowed to a wide canyon on one side, and Holy Angels and human spirits helping thousands of the newly dead continue moving down the path into the canyon. The people seemed a bit dazed and didn’t really know what to do, and though you could see they had clothes on, each one looked see-through (like clouds) and was a different hue of brightness – some ashen colored and some more shadowy, all different. The upright circle of redemption looks like a device a thousand feet tall, strongly pulsating beautiful waves of iridescent energy within it. The canyon fits snugly around the bottom half of the ring. There are bright human spirits all around the circle of redemption, all singing of God’s love and the grace of redemption, and it encourages the people to not be fearful, but to pass through. People always have the gift of free will, so even up to this point, a person does not have to pass through – but their darkness will remain upon them and affects many future choices. But when a person passes through, their joy is immediate!

Elation, Relief and Joyfulness!

The relief and release of emotions is spontaneous and might be likened to witnessing the joy of one’s own birth into heaven. The full awareness of each life you have held is remembered with elation, and the accomplishments and acceptance of yourself and one another is fully felt and known. The love that God has for you, and you for God, is fully revealed and treasured. All fear is gone. You now remember you know how to move easily on your own through light, thought and sound, and the original language of “Angel-speak” which uses color, sound, numbers, space and dimension to perfectly convey and receive communication. Also your uniqueness is more noticeable now than ever – for the amount of polishing on each facet of love has indented you to experiences and situations, other Angelic and human beings, and locations throughout thousands of years. Our expansion into Love never ends; God continues to magnify himself and invites us to be on the journey with him. With this in mind, there are going to be those who come through the circle of redemption who realize they are very bright indeed, for they have come to a point of having polished all the basic facets of love. This means they do not have to return to an earthly life again, unless they chose to help others as an instrument of God. When we are on earth, we are here to polish the basic facets of love, and to make our choice known in the issue of love versus fear. When we come through the cleansing, we see clearly what we have yet to do.

Future Choices and Taking a Break to Play

So, at this point, we have new decisions to make about future choices. Each of us has a guardian Angel that has protected our spirit from day one – this assignment had to occur after some of the Angels misused their free will to turn against God and slander his name and try to destroy the things Love has created and stands for, thus becoming unHoly Angels or demons. Our spirit is from God and cannot die, but without the guardianship of our Angel, each time we would try to be born on earth as a human, we would not accomplish it, so God's Divine Love put this guardianship in place for us. Now we sit down with our guardian Angel to discuss future choices. Whether we have polished the facets of love fully or not, we can choose to take a break from earth for a while. God knows it is not easy for us, and he knows the struggles that remain until his kingdom comes upon the earth. During this break we can visit other places. Sometimes these places are even shown to us while we are still in a body on earth; in near-death experiences or through dreams or an out-of-body experience, just as a reminder of joy and favorite locations and encouragement to continue on. Some are physical locations – I was shown a garden planet where everyone is focused on that. Some are less tangible – I was shown a colored sphere that a spirit can immerse in to fully experience an emotion, such as JOY. These emotion spheres are able to be immersed in if the basic facet has been fully polished first. These spheres go beyond the basics.

Choosing to Come Back to Help Others

If we have polished the fullness of the basics of love, we can choose to not return to earth at this time, although most of us will during God’s kingdom on earth, to share and teach what we have learned of God’s love, and to hear and learn what others have experienced as well. There are also many who have chosen to return to earth at this time because it is a crucial moment in history, and all the evidence is now to be revealed in the cosmic court case of Love’s rule versus fear. It is a time of great upheavals and the dark will get darker, but the light will get lighter, and Love wins. During this important time many will return and remember who they are and help others remember it too, and God will be able to use them as his instruments of signs and wonders. This means great miracles, healings, bilocations, resurrections, calming severe storms, and many other marvelous things as we work with Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Holy Angels - making amazing memories of which we will be sharing with others for eternity!

During our 2-3 week debriefing time we do not visit earth. But after the debriefing we can come and go and visit our loved ones on earth freely, how long and how often depends on other choices we make about what we are doing, as referenced above. What we have decided to do is now presented to Christ for final approval. It is possible that our plans will be changed. For example, if we are planning to come right back in again we may need a longer rest and recreation time than we allowed ourselves. Or, there may be other opportunities presented that we are offered to pursue, or suggestions on how to make our plan better. If we do decide to come back in, so will our guardian Angel. But while we stay off-world, the guardian Angel is not needed to be right beside us, since there was a war in heaven that cast all the demons down to the vicinity of the earth, and all other areas are free from harm.

Love Never Dies

As you can see, there is no need to fear death! We have each already experienced death many, many times before. God has not left us to a never-ending cycle of life and death, but has given us grace, purpose and fulfilling work to do, no matter if we are in the body or out of it. So don't be overly sad when you lose somebody in death, or are facing it yourself. All your emotions, memories, everything about the uniqueness of you, continues on! Love never dies. END 2009 (c) Tiffany Snow

About the Author: "I'm Blessed Tiffany and I have information for you!" Tiffany Snow experienced the wounds of the Holy Stigmata 2005-2009 and three NDEs. Modern Christian Mystic, Miracle Healer, Spiritual Teacher. She shares answers from God that humanity is currently asking, to help each of us remember who we are, and who He is too. Blessed Tiffany and her husband Fr. Billy Clark are not financially supported by any church or organization. This allows them to speak freely without restriction about everything God has shared for ALL of His children, no matter where they are on their path. Free Distant Healing Prayer, Articles and Videos with unique information for our times. God Info. |

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