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3 Ways to Find Peace During Political Chaos

Writer's picture: Blessed Tiffany SnowBlessed Tiffany Snow

We are living during a time of world shift - a time of unprecedented upheaval and chaos foretold for centuries. This is the short period of time that God allows the war between light and darkness to come to a head. The end result? Light will prevail and Love wins. It’s a stressful and difficult time, but there are things you can do in the midst of it, and still have hope and joy in your heart and mind.

Keep your eyes on the prize, it’s worth it.
Keep your eyes on the prize, it’s worth it.

This is the bigger picture. It doesn’t matter who is president or king or tyrant at the moment. And there is no country to move to where there isn’t problems. This is also not about religion, this is about the love of God who wants all his children to have hope and faith through this world shift.

(1). Keep your Eyes on the Prize: How does a mother emotionally go through labor? Although her body is in pain, she knows it is for a reason, and it won’t last long. She tries to focus on the joy set before her - the new baby that will soon be here and the future they will have together. And soon, the new creation that she had never seen, yet knew was real, becomes love made manifest in her arms. Not easy. But the pain was worth it. When the present is difficult, look to future hope. “Now faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1)

What the prize is - a new perfect rulership. Soon humanity will be set free from all manipulation and cruelty, and will interact with one another with gentleness, kindness and respect. Men and women will work equally together for the good of one another and the earth. Their work will be what the passion of their heart is, and will be valued and traded for other goods and supplies. There will be prosperity and abundance for all, with no lack. Each family will have their own home and land and an honored place in the community regardless of culture or race. Religious or political divisions will be of the past. People will move about freely without constriction or fear, and will be welcomed by friendly faces no matter where they go. “Everyone will sit under their own vine and under their own fig tree, and no one will make them afraid, for God has spoken it.” (Micah 4:4)

Humanity will also be stepping successfully into their role of being compassionate caretakers of earth’s plants and animals. Under God’s guidance, the world will soon be brought back into perfect balance, with the air and oceans pristine and full of life. The forests and jungles, grasslands and wetlands, will team with an abundance never before seen. Even the sky will be brighter and the weather milder, as it comes back into natural balance without chaotic extremes. God’s original purpose for the earth and humanity will come into fruition. Peace, joy and happiness will be the norm, and the old things of the past will not even be brought to mind. There will be people of all nations and ages that by God’s intervention will live through this shift, and there is a resurrection of those who didn’t. “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” (Revelation 21:4)

(2). Pace Yourself to Run the Race: A marathon runner needs to pace themselves to succeed. They know they need endurance and have trained for this and are prepared. This bumpy road we are traveling on is not a single conflict, but comes in waves, with shorter and shorter times of rest in between. In the scriptures it is referred to as Armageddon, God’s war. At its conclusion all the world leaderships, seen and unseen, will be replaced with a better one of His own choosing. It’s the same Kingdom that people have been reciting in a prayer that Jesus taught, commonly known as the “Our Father” or “Lord’s Prayer.” “Our Father in heaven, sanctified be your name, may your kingdom come, and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:9,10)

Just as the marathon runner needs to consistently take fluids to rehydrate themselves, we need to continually refresh ourselves to not tire out. There are many ways to fill the cup created within you, and it’s not a one-time deal to “fill it up and be over with it.” As the stresses of living in this world press in, our cup gets tiny holes and punctures, and we need to be consistent with refilling it or it will simply crumble. First and foremost, developing greater faith and confidence in who God is, and who you are to God, replaces a lot of learned fear with the truth of Unconditional Love.

Learn enough about God’s fulfilled promises to have faith and believe in the promises yet to come. If you are new to faith, doing research on all the fulfilled Bible prophecies will give you faith that a supernatural force beyond human lifetimes or knowledge has been communicating with humanity for thousands of years. If you have been a lover of God for quite a while, do you have the joy you had at the first, or did you just eat one big meal and push back from the table? Rekindle the love by continuing to nourish your spirit at the grand buffet placed before you. Nothing is withheld! It is all there, and that Holy Connection beyond yourself will overflow your cup.

(3). Play Every Day: Daily buy out time to play. Don’t wait to “find” the time. Buy it out, make the time for personal play, even if it means getting up earlier or getting to bed later. We were created to enjoy life, to rejoice in the human experience, and it gives us endurance for the harder things. Our spirit is not only a spark off of God’s original flame, but is also uniquely ours through the bubble of free will, and we each have likes and dislikes.

What passions touch your heart? Are you a musician, songwriter, poet or painter? Would you like to be? Now is the time to try them out. Do you like gardening, hiking, bird-watching, or watching nature documentaries? Do you like to create things with sewing, knitting, crafts or cooking? Find play that lightens the heart, is not overly complicated, and can become a place of active meditation for you. This includes being mindful of how you played as a child, and the things you were drawn to then. Computer games? Yes, many choices can be found there for open-world exploration, the sense of flying free, and learning specific skills. The games that embrace sorting are especially calming to the mind for relaxation, the brain uses physical sorting as a touchstone for organizing our deeper patterns. You know you have found play that touches your spirit, when after the initial learning process, you find your mind softly adrift and the corners of your mouth slightly raised in a smile.

Stay tender-hearted. Do not become hard-hearted in trying to deny the situation or thinking it will prevent pain. Everything will be ok. Humanity has already received the gift of salvation, the original three questions about free will have already been answered, and soon these last several thousand years will be only seen as a bump in the road. Yes, humanity will receive bruises along the way. We will cry, we will want to look away, and not see the harsh realities. Choose to not turn away from feeling the pain others feel, but be a touchstone of compassion in prayer. You can work with the Holy Angels for miracles during this world shift. Prayer changes things. Faith is a superpower. Hope is not about positive thinking, but knowing the Giver of the Promises.

God exists, and loves us. And soon we will see a new way of living come true, for those dreams in our heart of how things should be - yet humanity has never seen - was placed there by God for a reason. It is our destiny. We were designed for peaceful and joyful lives upon a paradise earth. Humanity was made for it. So keep your eyes on the prize, pace yourself and hydrate yourself to run the race with endurance. There is no need to worry. God has got this. Be an opportunity of love and share your hope with others. And share this information as well, so many more have a reminder of peace in the midst of turmoil. The finish line is near! END 2025 (C)Tiffany Snow

About the Author: "I'm Blessed Tiffany and I have information for you!" Tiffany Snow is an experiencer of the Holy Stigmata and several near-death experiences. Modern Christian Mystic, Miracle Healer, Spiritual Teacher. She shares answers from God that humanity is asking, to help each of us remember who we are, and who He is too. Blessed Tiffany and her husband Fr. Billy Clark are grassroots, this allows them to speak freely without financial or religious restriction about everything God shares, no matter where his children are on their path. Pay-It-Forward Distant Healing Prayer, Articles and Videos with unique information for our times. God Info. |

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